Ayurveda | Historical roots in ancient Hindu culture.
Wellness Tourism

Ayurveda in Nepal

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge).

Ayurveda dates back an estimated 5,000-10,000 years and is widely considered to be the oldest form of health care in the world. It is understood by many scholars that knowledge of Ayurveda spread out from India and influenced the ancient Chinese system of medicine, Unani medicine, and the humoral medicine practiced by Hippocrates in Greece. For this reason, Ayurveda is often referred to as the “Mother of all healing”.

Rooted in Hinduism, the philosophy of Ayurvedic medicine contends that the body, mind and soul are connected to the outer world. When the relationship among these elements of one’s personality is out of balance, health problems arise.

Mythological Origin

The mythological origin of Ayurveda has a link with Brahma, the God of Creation. Hindu myth holds that Brahma wanted to ease the suffering of human by offering knowledge of Ayurveda to other Gods. One of those deities was Dhanvantari, who then transmitted the knowledge to mortal sages.

Hence, Ayurveda is viewed as a divine science of revelation and thus values personal insight as much as empirical observation.

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As Ayurveda has a divine origin, it is considered as holistic science that is blessed by God. Some of the various sages have contributed their whole life in spreading the magic of Ayurveda in this world that is suffering from various ailments and sorrows. The main motto behind spreading this divine knowledge was to make people achieve the contended life essential for healthy and peaceful living.

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine from Ancint India that understands health in terms of a constitutional model. Each of us manifests a mixture of each of the three constitutional energetic forces – or doshas. Its aim is to provide guidance regarding specially designed treatments, food and lifestyle so that health can be optimized and illness healed.

Ayurveda has mythological association with the creation of cosmos and preservation of life- force.It is said in “Ayurvedavatarana”(the descent of ayurveda) that lord Brahma sung these life- giving slokas to other deities who would together relieve human race of severe suffering. Dhanvantari was one among those deities who propagated Ayurveda in the mortal sages. This elixir of life , thus came to be known as the divine science of revelation .It equalizes the worth of deep perception, inner vision and realization with empirical observation.

Development in Ayurveda

The initial phase of development of Indian medicine are traced back to India’s Indus River civilization that flourished from about 2700 to 1500 B.C. Mythico-religious hymns associated with this civilization were written down in Sanskrit in the form of Vedas. Out of these Vedas, Atharvaveda; the youngest one contain many references to medical lore.

Ayurveda flourished from around 800 B.C. to A.D. 1000, its so-called golden age. The three most important treatises in Ayurveda appeared during the golden age and are referred to collectively as the Senior Triad: the Charaka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita. The next important treatises in Ayurveda are the Madhava Nidana, the Sarangdhara Samhita, and the Bhava Prakasha, known collectively as the Junior Triad. The Samhita means compilation or collection.

Ayurveda flourished significantly, during the times of Buddha(520B.C.). The Ayurvedic practitioners of that period invented the unique formula of mixing mercury, sulphur and different metals with beneficial herbs in medicinal compositions. Nagarjuna,the Buddhist herbologist was the greatest exponent of medical science ,then. Also big names like Nagbodhi,Yashodhana,Govinda,Vagbhatta worked with him.

The tradition of Ayurvedic medicine, as a chief medical practice, in the rule of Chandragupta Maurya was also present in Emperor`s Ashoka`s paradise of peace.Moreover,the prevention of bloodshed, as a must, inspired the ayurvedic doctors of that era to innovate new and advanced treatment techniques to avoid surgery. With the Islamic invasion in India(1100-1800A.D.)

Where did Ayurveda begin?

Ayurveda developed in the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago and was originally practiced through oral tradition before the Vedic texts, commonly known as the Vedas, were composed. The Vedas are the oldest compilation of knowledge and wisdom imparted by the Rishis, the ancient population of modern day India.

Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in ancient Hindu Culture. The modern practices Ayurvedic Medicine derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of complementary or alternative medicine. NAMC was established in 1988 under Nepal Ayurveda Medical Council Act of 1988. If you are looking for Ayurvedic diagnosis, mental or physical healing, Nepal offers a bevy of practices that specialize in natural treatments. Come to learn, be treated or discover this centuries-old natural treatment for wholistic health.

Ayurveda dates back to the Vedic period. Vedas are the oldest recorded documents of human civilization. Ayurveda is the life science and also the oldest authentically recorded science in existence today. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, and when translated means “the science of life” or “a natural way of living”.

The objective of Ayurveda is to achieve the highest goal of life: the inner and outer dynamic harmony. The dimensions of health are defined as bodily, sensorial, mental, and spiritual health. Traditional and indigenous knowledge has been used for centuries by indigenous and local communities following local laws, customs and traditions.

Nepal has a great tradition of Ayurveda, and it is considered to be part of the cultural and scientific heritage of the country. Traditional makers of Ayurvedic medicines still carry on their practice using ancient tools. There is an Ayurvedic hospital in Nardevi in the heart of Kathmandu. For researchers there is a huge amount of data on Ayurveda preserved on leaves and manuscripts in the national archives. There is a wealth of knowledge here that has long been ignored and neglected.

Excursions can be organized to visit practitioners, to meet rural people who collect herbs, and to meet traditional healers such as Shamans or Jhankris as they are known in Nepal.

Nepal Tourism Board

Kulendra Baral

Nepal is an independent country in Southern Asia, between the Tibet autonomous region of China and India. It contains 8 of the world's 10 highest peaks, including Mount Everest - the world's tallest - on the border with Tibet, and Lumbini, the birth place of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. A monarchy for hundreds of years, Nepal was declared a republic in June 2008. Hinduism and Buddhism co-exist here peacefully. Mt. Everest, Pashupatinath, Lumbini, Boudhanath, Janakpur Dham, and Chitwan National Park are some of the many attractions. In 2004, Nepal Trekking was established and promoting the Nepal Tourism. Nepal Treking is a travel information provider side where Nepalese travel related agencies are affiliated To view more about Nepal, please go through the related pages and if you want further details, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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